Our Mission
The Mission of SHIELD Ministries is to provide a men’s comprehensive re-entry education program in a Christian environment designed to create opportunities for personal, professional, and spiritual growth which reduces recidivism and enhances public safety.
Prison Intervention, Prison Pre-release and Post Release Services

For as a man thinks in his heart so is he.
Proverbs 23:7a (AMPC)
Cognitive Learning
Students apply evidence based cognitive learning and thinking practices to not just overwrite thoughts but seek to understand how negative thought patterns developed. This process goes a step further than CBT, it is the process of reconceptualizing." Dr. Leaf states, "Reconceptualizing means to conceptualize or think about something afresh. It involves developing a replacement concept for something, that is to see things in another way or with “new eyes”. It is all about viewing things from a different perspective and redesigning a mindset, but in way that sustains and supports the changes you are making in your life. Although this may sound complicated and rather daunting, the effects of reconceptualizating are incredibly satisfying and bring a deep sense of internal peace. They will keep you motivated to keep changing and help you sustain this change in your life."
Leaf, Dr. C. (2019, December 4). 4 steps to reconceptualize a toxic thinking habit into a healthy new neural network. Dr. Leaf. https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/4-steps-to-reconceptualize-a-toxic-thinking-habit-into-a-healthy-new-neural-network
Education Program
Students earn certificates in each successful completed class. Students completing all classes receive The Community of Hope Diploma. Classes are offered in prison and in our post release program.
Contact us
Physical Address:
5519 Woodbine Ave
North Charleston, SC 29406
Mailing Address:
PO Box 61595
North Charleston SC 29419
(843) 860-6462