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Become Part of the Volunteer Team 

Join the Volunteer Team at Shield Ministries and become an integral part of our organization.

Volunteer Application & Agreement

Educating Men For A Hope-Filled Future

I am interested in volunteering in one or more of the below areas.
Choose File


  • Prospective volunteers will initially meet with the Executive Director and/or Team Member for an informal meeting

  • Volunteers will then be asked to visit assigned classes or worship service depending on area of interest to become more familiar with the program

  • Approval/Disapproval will be given


  • This Agreement, made on the date of this submission by and between SHIELD Ministries, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “charity”, and , hereinafter referred to as “Volunteer.”

  • Whereas, Volunteer intends to donate services to the charity identified above, and said charity intends to accept the donation of Volunteer services.

  • NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, the parties hereto agree as follows:


​It is mutually and expressly understood that Volunteer services shall be donated, and that said Volunteer is not entitled to nor expects any present or future salary, wages, or other benefits for these voluntary services. Volunteers are welcome to apply for employee positions when available. However, employment is not promised to current or former Volunteers.


Due to the ministry population and restrictions minors (under the age of 18) are NOT allowed to volunteer. Volunteers may not bring their minor children with them onsite.


The Worship Service is NOT opened to the general public due to limited space. The service is open to participants; adult family members of participants; volunteers; and on special occasions adult family of volunteers.


Volunteer agrees to follow the supervision and direction of any personnel, employee, or Volunteer, to whom Volunteer has been assigned to perform services, and to participate in any training required by the charity in order to perform the voluntary services.


While volunteer work is discretionary to the volunteer, various volunteer opportunities with SHIELD Ministries require a specific time frame due to the various schedule program classes and activities and limited space. Volunteers are made aware of the available volunteer opportunities along with the time schedule prior to commitment.


Volunteers are asked to communicate via email to and/or to the designated leader when he/she is unavailable for the scheduled volunteer service work. In the event of an extended absence i.e. vacation the Volunteer is asked to give a minimum of two weeks’ notice via email at the email address listed above.


Work/Meal Breaks Volunteers may take work breaks as needed but are asked to limit the time to no more than 15 minutes per break. For Volunteers who are working six (6) hours or more continuous, a 30 minute to 1-hour meal break is required.


By checking I agree to the Photo/Video release box below this section, Volunteer is agreeing and granting permission to SHIELD Ministries and its agents and employees the irrevocable and unrestricted right to reproduce the photographs and/or video images taken of me for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, or trade, in any manner or in any medium.




Hereby releases SHIELD Ministries and its legal representatives for all claims and liability relating to said images or video. Furthermore, I grant permission to use my statements that were given during an interview or class or service, with or without my name, for the purpose of advertising and publicity without restriction. I waive my right to any compensation.


Please check no in the below section if you do not wish for your photo/video or likeness to be used.


Thanks for submitting the volunteer form! Your submission has been received.

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